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Home > Canvas > Canvas Google Drive Issues
Canvas Google Drive Issues
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Canvas: Troubleshoot Canvas Google Drive Issues

The most common issue people experience when using Google Drive in Canvas is an authorization error or authentication failure. This can happen when you are logged into one or more non-GUSD Google account.

Most issues are resolved by resetting the relationship between Google and Canvas (see below).

Issues unrelated to authorization errors 

  • The Canvas Teacher App and the Canvas Student App are NOT recommended for use with Google Drive. Use Canvas in a desktop browser for all Google Drive activities rather than the Canvas mobile apps. Neither the Canvas Teacher mobile app or Canvas Student mobile app are fully supported.
  • If using Safari, you will need to Enable Third Party Tracking to complete the setup. 


Addressing Authorization Issues

Following the steps in this section will usually fix authorization issues. 

Signing out of Google Accounts

Remove the potential of Canvas confusing which account you are using.

  • Go to to verify you are signed out of all Google Accounts.
    • If you are using the Chrome browser, you might see a Sign in button in the upper-right. If you do:
      1. Click your Profile circle (top right).
      2. Click Sign out.
    • If you are not using the Chrome browser, you might see a circular profile image or your initial(s):
      1. Click the circle to view the accounts that you are logged into. 
      2. Click the Sign out or Sign out of all accounts button.

Turning off Sync

Browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome offer the ability to sync settings and bookmarks across devices. Such syncing may interfere with the browser's ability to reconcile which account profile you wish to use with Canvas. As an additional measure, consult your browser's documentation on how to turn off syncing.

Starting fresh in your browser

Your browser's existing cookies and cache may interfere with a clean connection between Canvas and Google. 

If you continue having authorization issues, proceed with Resetting the relationship between Google and Canvas below.

Resetting the relationship between Google and Canvas

If you are still having issues using Google Drive with Canvas, resetting the relationship between Google and Canvas may solve authorization or authentication errors. 

Follow steps 1-3 to completely remove existing authorizations and then reauthorize Canvas to use your GUSD Google Account. 

Step 1: Removing Google Drive integrations from your Canvas account

Remove Google Drive integrations from your Canvas account.

  1. Click Google Drive in Canvas Course Navigation. You will see the contents of your drive. 
  2. Click the circular profile image or your initial(s) in the upper-right and Sign Out of your account. The Log In to authorize your Google account message appears.
  3. Go to your Canvas Global menu and click Account.
  4. Click Settings
  5. Go to the Registered Services section. 
  6. Mouse over Google Drive and remove it.
  7. Go to the Approved Integrations section to find the Google Drive LTI IAD-Prod.
  8. Click the trashcan (the Delete this Token button). A pop-up appears "Are you sure you want to delete this access key?" Cancel or OK."
  9. Click OK.

Step 2: Removing Canvas third-party apps with access to your Google account

Remove Canvas third-party apps with access to your account.

  1. Go to the Remove site or app access section at the bottom of Third-party sites & apps with access to your account
  2. Follow the instructions to remove the Canvas third-party apps:
    • Canvas
    • Google Drive LTI by Canvas
  3. Sign out of all devices except the current device at your Google Devices page.

Now that you have broken the connection between your Google Account and Canvas, you can start from scratch to reconnect them. 

Changing how you work with browsers

The best way to avoid account conflicts using Google Drive with Canvas is to do one of the following:

  • Use one browser for your GUSD Google account; use a different browser for any personal accounts. 
  • Use an incognito / private window for one of the accounts. 
    • This doesn't always work. If you have trouble, use another browser.
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